
Double Love - SUPER RARE Embossed Red Sea Glass Heart In Deluxe Sterling Double Bezel© Pendant

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Tell her you love her TWICE as much and she is rare with this beautiful and  Super Ultra Rare Genuine Red Sea Glass Heart set in our Double Love Deluxe Wire Bezel Pendant setting!

This piece features the glass and beauty of this Ultra Rare Embossed Bright Red Sea Glass and is presented on a professionally our Deluxe Wire Bezel Setting© that leaves the sea glass UNALTERED from the way it was found on the beach.

An extra heart was created to frame the heart and emphasize the love!

This is a beach found natural piece, not shaped by artificial means!! Awesome sea glass from Seaham England and the site of Victorian glass factories. Many red sea glass pieces from this beach have this white residue (as seen in the embossed line) and may be an indication that this was a harder glass composition. The embossing also indicates it was ,made into an end product before being discarded.

A close up detail of this ultra rare Sea Glass Heart shows you the telltale "C"'s that let  you know it is GENUINE SEA GLASS!

Our Sea Glass Pendants come with an inexpensive plated sterling chain for presentation. If you are in need of a quality chain we have several options that are available as an upgrade!

Triangular shapes are common, but heart shapes originate from these but that the indent at top and are very rare, specially in this degree! For more information on sea glass hearts, see our blog post - Sea Glass Hearts - Heart Shapes in Nature

Genuine Certified Sea Glass

Sea Glass Color:
Enmbossed Red
Sea Glass Quality 1-5:
Rarity Value 1-5:
Color Value 1-5:
Possible Source:
Scrap Victorian Art Glass
Beach Location Found:
Seaham England
Metal(s) Used:
Sterling Silver
Sea Glass Sizes L x W x Thickness:
3/4 x 5/8 x 1/4 Inches
Total Finished Size:
1 3/4 total inches